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 Jim Wendler - on pull-ups

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Age : 58
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Jim Wendler - on pull-ups Empty
PostSubject: Jim Wendler - on pull-ups   Jim Wendler - on pull-ups EmptyMon Jan 25, 2010 10:22 am

Jim Wendler author of the book 531 & a guy who's squatted over 1,000 pounds & totalled well over 2,500!!!
I was listening to an interview & he was being asked about adding chin/pull ups to your training mix & whether they'd fit into the 5-3-1 protocol, he said...well no ,but I tend to encourage guys to add 1-3 reps of chins or pull-ups between every set (I'd assume you'd have to add some weight if you were a good puller, but I suppose Wendlers guys are going to very much the over 250 pound weight bracket us lighter guys would need some added resistance - at least at first when pretty fresh to keep it as low as 3 reps even - maybe after some flat-out squats or deadlifts then maybe we'd be feeling 1 rep with bodyweight was more than enough between sets mind you Laughing

By the way the book 5 3 1 by Jim...if you're into powerlifting or lifting heavy ever, get it, it's an ebook so you get it through your computer (takes a while to get used to reading a book on a screen, but well worth the effort). It really is well worth it having a copy.
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